As a traveler, you can enjoy unique promo codes shared by your Trip Organizer to reduce your order subtotal. To apply a promo code, simply enter it during checkout when you register or in your traveler account after making a purchase. Please note that percentage discount promo codes can only be applied at checkout.
How to Apply a Promo Code at Checkout
After selecting your packages, add-ons, and payment option, look for the Order Summary section.
Enter your promo code there. The discount will be applied, and you can then proceed to checkout.
How to Apply a Promo Code in Your Traveler Account
Open the trip details on the "Payment" page.
Click the "Apply Promocode" button located below the trip summary on the left side.
A new field will appear where you can enter the promo code.
Once the promo code is applied, its name won’t appear. Instead, it will show as "Discount" in the trip summary.
If you don’t see the button or field, it means you’ve already applied a discount. A discount line will appear just before the subtotal.
After completing checkout, you can only apply promo codes that offer a fixed discount. Percentage-based promo codes will no longer be valid.
Important Promo Code Guidelines
You can only use one promo code per order.
Promo codes cannot create a negative balance.
If you try to apply a promo code that exceeds your order total, you’ll receive an error message.
Once a promo code is applied, it cannot be removed. If you need assistance, please contact customer support: [email protected].
Happy travels, and enjoy your discounts!