You can change your credit card information in two places within your profile:
Trip Details Page: Click the "Change/Update Your Card Information" button.
During Payment: Use the "Change Card" button.
Change/Update Your Card Information Button
Located below the payments table, the "Change/Update Your Card Information" button allows you to:
Change your credit card information
Update your billing information
Example: Changing Credit Card Information Using the "Change/Update Your Card Information" Button.
Click the "Change/Update Your Card Information" button.
A pop-up will appear with a template for entering your card and billing information.
After entering the valid information, press the “Update Card” button.
Once your data is saved, you’ll see the last four digits of your new card in your payments screen.
Important Notice: After changing your card information, all future payments will be charged to the new credit card.
Change Card Button
If you want to make a payment outside of the scheduled auto payments or purchase an add-on, you can change your credit card information during the payment process.
Payments during which you can change your card include:
Make New Payment
Pay Now
Retry Payment
Purchase Add-ons
Example: Changing Credit Card Information During the Payment Process
Click the "Pay Now" button.
A new pop-up will open.
Select the “Change Card” option.
A new pop-up will appear with a template for entering your card and billing information.
After entering the valid information, press the “Update Card” button.
Note: You’ll be returned to the payment plan screen, where you can see that your card number has been updated, allowing you to proceed with your payment.