You can request a refund at any time by contacting your Trip Organizer directly. Since refund policies vary, it is important to review and discuss them with your organizer.
What Can Be Refunded
Travelers can request a refund for:
The entire trip
Payment installments
Initial deposit
Specific amounts
Note: Be sure to review the organizer's refund policy before submitting your request. You can find the policy in the βCancel My Bookingβ pop-up window.
How to Request a Refund
To request a refund, follow these steps to get started:
Reach out to the Trip Organizer. Go to the Payment page of your account and find the "Contact the Organizer" button below the Order Summary.
A pop-up will appear with the organizer's email address.
Enter the subject and message, then send your email.
π‘Tip: When submitting your refund request, be sure to clearly specify what you're requesting a refund for, and include any necessary details based on the organizer's refund policy.