You now have access to view comprehensive traveler profiles directly within the platform. This feature is designed to enhance your customer service by putting critical traveler information at your fingertips, improving your overall experience as a Trip Organizer.
Level of Access to Traveler Accounts
You will have all the options available as the traveler has. This includes:
Add or remove an add-on
Pay installment with a traveler's card
Reschedule a date of automatic payment
Change answers to registration questions
Cancel the package
Apply promo code
How to View Traveler's Profile
To view the traveler's profile, simply follow these steps to get started:
Open "Trip Data".
Select the traveler whose profile you want to view from the "Guest List Information".
Open the Booking Details for that traveler and press the button "View traveler profile page".
Now we see the Traveler's profile and we can exit that view at any moment by pressing the button "Exit to Organizer account".