The article highlights that in some cases, travelers may receive a full or partial refund, while in others, no refund may be provided. It emphasizes the importance of understanding the terms and conditions of travel packages and the potential financial implications for travelers in case of cancellations.
Note: There will be an option to cancel with or without a refund. If you cancel with a refund, then you can select which payments to refund. If you cancel without a refund, the trip will be cancelled and no refund will be issued.
How to cancel a traveler's trip without a refund
Click Trip Data.
From the left side-bar select Cancel A Trip Reservation.
Search for the name of the traveler you want to cancel
You can search by using their first name, last name, email address, or phone number.
Select Cancel next to the name of the traveler.
Select Cancel without refund.
How to cancel a traveler's trip with a refund
Click "Company Stats".
From the left side-bar select "Cancel A Trip Reservation".
Search for the name of the traveler you want to cancel.
You can search by using their first name, last name, email address, or phone number.
Select "Cancel" next to the name of the traveler.
Select Cancel and issue a refund.
After selecting this option we get the list of all payments done by that Traveler with checkboxes next to them. And Organizer can select one or more installments to refund.
After clicking the button "Submit Cancelation" that traveler will disappear from the list in this section.
π Important: When Canceling and issuing a refund option is used we cannot set a custom amount to refund. The only in amounts that Traveler has paid each installment can be refunded by selecting the checkboxes. If you wish to refund a custom amount a refund must be processed first in the Refund tab and then cancel the trip with option Cancel without refund.
Company Statistics
Once we cancel the trip for the traveler, the payment status will be clearly displayed in the company statistics column.
It will show whether the option to "Cancel without refund" or "Cancel and issue a refund" was selected.
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